
Dream Machine Project is Live

Full details on submissions at www.bangdreammachine.com

Let me introduce the main character and inventor of the Dream Machine,
Dr William Hobton:

Our doctor, once a youthful inventor and a leading light of the Royal Society, has staked his reputation on a radical new method to make humanity "better". In 1792 he is dedicating his life to solving the problems of “fear” and "uncertainty" and has retreated into his sleep hospital, the Old Steine’s Marlborough House, to begin bold dream experiments. However, centuries have passed, and he has remained jealously guarding his discoveries (and his patients!) for over three hundred years. His only companion is the incredible and ingenious Dream Machine, the contraption by which he keeps his patients in their slumber.

In 2010 his youthful zeal has faded to bitter old age, disillusioned and distracted, unable to complete his experiment, the Doctor dwells within the mansion still. There is something he is... missing.

And, his patients? Well, they're done with this shit. They want to wake up...

How will his experiment end? And just how long has he gone without sleeping?

The 18th century Doctor character design has been created by the brilliant comics artist Andy P. The image above shows the Doctor at the beginning of his experiment, standing proud with his patented Dream helmet.

Visit our website for all the details on the comics or animation open call to artists. We would love you to create with us. Deadlines are end of September and early October depending on what stream you enter.

NB. Just a note to people submitting comics, the only submissions that need to incorporate the Dr character is the 3rd root, the colour newspaper commission of a vision on the streets of Brighton. For any other submissions go wild with your own content, and don't tie in the Dr character: these short narratives can communicate your own dream comics or illuminated wonders on your own terms (as long as it fits the size templates!) For those tackling the colour newspaper, please reach out and contact us, as we are commissioning key parts of the narrative, and would love to be in contact.